Posted at 12:47 AM in AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, AKC Breeder of Merit Sussex Spaniels, Breeder Brags, English Springer Spaniels, Heat Seeking Missiles , Hellfire Sussex Spaniels, In the Ribbons, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting, Puppy Enrichment | Permalink
Tags: Angela Monaghan, english springer spaniel, english springer spaniel breeders in montana, english springer spaniel field trial association, ESS puppies in montana, essft.com, ESSFTA member, Hellfire Gun Dogs, Hellfire Kennels, Hellfire Springer, Hellfire Springer Field Trial Puppies, Hellfire Springer Hunt Test Puppies, springer spaniel breeder of merit, springer spaniel breeders in montana, springer spaniel puppies in montana
Remember this awesome guy? A dominant sire that is in just about every pedigree in the east coast.
FC AFC CFC Hellfire's Fast Track MH CD MX AXJ VS - an ESSFTA Versatile Springer
Out of FC AFC Rolling Oaks High Chaparral "Chaps" X Abitt of Hellfire MH WDX "Maia"
Bred by Angela Monaghan
Owned/handled: Billie K Edwards
Gun dogs that can do it all.
Posted at 12:26 PM in AKC Agility, AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, AKC Obedience, Breeder Brags, English Springer Spaniels, Heat Seeking Missiles , In Memorium, In the Ribbons, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting | Permalink
Tags: AKC Breeder of Merit, Hellfire Gun Dogs, Hellfire Springer Spaniels, Hellfire Springers, montana springer spaniel breeder
Posted at 11:14 AM in AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, AKC Rally Obedience, Barn Hunters, English Springer Spaniels, Heat Seeking Missiles , In the Ribbons, Nosework, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting, Puppy Enrichment, Scentwork, Search and Rescue Dogs, Super Sniffers, Trupanion Breeder | Permalink
Tags: field bred english springer spaniels, Hellfire English Springer Spaniels, Hellfire Gun Dogs, Montana springer spaniels, springer spaniel puppies, springer spaniel puppies in Montana, Springer spaniels in Montana, Working springer spaniels, working springer spaniels
Posted at 05:07 PM in AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, Pheasant Hunting | Permalink
Tags: hellfire gun dogs, hellfire gundogs, hellfire springer, hellfire springer spaniels, springer spaniel breeders in montana, springer spaniel puppies, springer spaniels in montana, working springer spaniels, working springers
The beautiful Zozzy, has passed her eye, heart, hip OFA certifications and can be officially added to our breeding roster.
This is a tall, leggy, powerful bitch with a lovely level headed temperament, like both her parents. She is so quiet and low key I barely even know she is in the house. She is also a litter sister to Mhari Peschel's boy Bucky, who just earned his first trial placement at age 2 and finished his puppy career with 55 (or more?) points without even trying that hard. Zozz is from our 2018 breeding with FC AFC Blanco X Zephyr
Posted at 11:15 AM in AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, English Springer Spaniels, In the Ribbons, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting | Permalink
Tags: field bred english springer spaniels, hellfire gun dogs, hellfire springers, hunting springers, springer spaniels in montana., working springer spaniels
We are so excited to announce that this gorgeous guy is going to be a dad again! Frank has been bred to the lovely Twinky - CH Hellfires Twinkle of Faith, and we are expecting puppies in February! Both Twinky and Frank are health tested and have normal hearts, eyes, DNA and BAER hearing.
Frank had a litter in 2017 with Marv - BISS GCHB Hellfires Mizz Marvel that produced seven show puppies. Twinky is a very pretty, younger sister. Crossing our fingers for some beauties!
Posted at 11:31 AM in AKC Breeder of Merit Sussex Spaniels, AKC Dog Shows, AKC Rally Obedience, Hellfire Sussex Spaniels, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting, Sussex Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel Breeders, Sussex Spaniel Puppies, Sussex Spaniels | Permalink
Tags: AKC Breeder of Merit, Hellfire Kennels : Sussex Spaniel Breeder in Montana, Sussex Spaniel Breeders, Sussex Spaniel Puppies
In addition to being an AKC Breeder of Merit for our Sussex and Springers, which is based on many years of accomplishment and many champions and titled dogs produced over the years, we have also been give a rare EXCELLENT rating by GoodDog for both our beloved breeds for our excellent health screening practices. For over twenty years Hellfire dogs have been fully health screened and results have always been sent to the OFA public database.
Posted at 10:41 AM in AKC Breeder of Merit English Springer Spaniels, AKC Breeder of Merit Sussex Spaniels, AKC Dog Shows, AKC Rally Obedience, English Springer Spaniels, Hellfire Sussex Spaniels, In the Ribbons, OFA Health Testing, Pheasant Hunting, Sussex Spaniel, Sussex Spaniel Breeders, Sussex Spaniel Puppies, Sussex Spaniels | Permalink
Tags: Hellfire Kennels in Montana - field springer and Sussex Spaniels
I bought Tiki from a friend this June - she is the first girl pup I've bought in 14 years - since Maia! Both her parents are field champions. I totally fell in love with her mom, who looks like a mini Cheetah, and knew I had to have a puppy from her if she was ever bred. She's a pistol!
PS: Haley (Toby X Navy) has been bred and we are hoping for early September puppies. I'll post details on the website if it looks like puppies are really on the way. I would expect very athletic, super fast springers that will make excellent agility dogs, hunting companions and family pets for those with an active lifestyle.
Posted at 01:26 PM in Pheasant Hunting | Permalink
I have been wanting to blog about the slow death of the CRP program for a long time. The post has been sitting in my blog queu for what seems like forever because I haven't had time to finish it. However, this article, "As Pheasants Disappear, Hunters in Iowa Follow" published in the New York Times just today, about sums it up. Similarly, Montana Outdoors published this one: "Goodbye CRP?" in 2010.
I'm not sure if most people realize, or even care, but 70% of the CRP in the entire country expired this fall. The stats won't be out for awhile to show how much will be re-enrolled, but I think we can safely assume it's not going to be anywhere close to where it has been in the past.
No CRP, no cover, no birds, no hunters. It's just logic 101.
Posted at 12:30 AM in Pheasant Hunting | Permalink