Maverick has begun his agility training and is already rocking the jumps and tunnels. I practically pee my pants from all the laughing during training sessions. What a super cute and fun dog! People say Sussex are houndishly stubborn and hard to train, but mine is ridiculously SMART, motivated and eager to please. I think the field springers are a good influence on him.
The Singer puppies are a week old. I put their pictures in this Flickr album and will update each Monday. It's up to you to bookmark it. The puppies are HUGE - two weighed in at 31 oz today...and only the smallest male was under 2 pounds. The first couple of weeks are pretty boring, but when they get on thier feet, things get crazy fun. lol
It's still snowing here, and is brutally cold for April, but at least the daylight is now long enough to help remediate the arctic induced insanity, and I know Spring is coming eventually. (Ahem, hopefully.)
Haley is already popping a belly and still has four weeks to go! Haven't palpated, but methinks a large litter.
BTW, the currrent #1 field trial puppy in the US is a Zeeza X Whitey daughter bred by me. I doubt it will hold through fall, but still very cool to see her at the top for so long. It's especially unusual for a bitch to be at the top of the puppy pile.